European Law
We daily use European legislation (Regulations, Directives), manly when dealing with commercial and business cases, electronic commerce and telecommunications cases, as well as with cases of administrative law. We keep updated on the development of European legislation and case law.
Labour Law
Our Law Firm provides legal services and advice on all issues relating to labour relations such as contracts concerning managers and executives, the employees of legal entities of public and private law, including contract implementation and termination. The Firm also has considerable experience in litigation before the Supreme Court of Greece and Counseil d’ Etat.
Electronic Commerce Law
The Firm is experienced in dealing with matters of electronic transactions, conclusion of electronic contracts, use of electronic and digital signatures and moreover with the issues of business protection as well as consumer protection while dealing with the online commerce. In addition, it provides services and advices concerning software IP rights, database right and software license agreements.
Knowledge & Experience
Areas of Expertise
Establishment – Registration of companies
Our Law Firm has a long-standing expertise in the establishment and registration of companies of all legal forms in Greece and abroad, rendering to client the appropriate advice concerning the most beneficial plan, redefinition of the plan or the restructuring of their business activity.
Acquisitions, Transformations and Mergers of companies
The acquisition and buying-out of companies, as well as the transformation to a different corporate form and the merger of companies constitute a significant part of our Firm’s rendered services.
Network Organisation – Advertising – Commercial and Industrial Property
Our Firm offers both judicial and out of Court services to banks, companies, disposing of long experience on the Hellenic and European regulatory framework of markets, including the organization of networks of distribution, representation, logistics and transfer of the products in question, drafting the relevant contracts, as well as contracts relative to the finance of those activities.
Compettion Law
Competition constitutes a major area of our engagement. In this respect we render judicial and out of Court services before the competent administrative, Civil and Penal Courts of Greece.
Shipping Law
Our Law Firm has special knowledge and expertise on contracts for the purchase of ships, financing agreements, charterparties, collateral agreements and the establishment and operation of shipyards, the registration and operation of shipping companies in Greece (including those as provided by investment law) and abroad, relations among shareholders and ship labour disputes.
Intellectual Property Law – Confidentiality Agreements
The Law Firm offers its services in the conclusion of contracts relating to the protection of intellectual property including copyright in artistic works, the production of audiovisual works, software and the publication of books in Greece and abroad.
Bankruptcy Law – Insolvency Law
Our Law Firm is experienced in handling bankruptcy law cases involving SMEs and large companies. In this context, the process of reconciliation offers opportunities to reorganize companies facing financial problems.
Transport Law
The Law Firm provides legal services to inland and maritime, Greek and international hauliers (CMR & Bill of Lading), as well as to insurance companies in order to cover the risks involved on an contractual and litigation level.
If you would like to speak with someone directly
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+30 210 7475250