Legal Counselor of National Statistical Authority (EL.STAT.), representing successfully Clients before the Athens’ Court of Felonies, continuous engagement with mergers, acquisitions and transforming all types of legal entities, regular cooperation with Legal Firms\Offices based in Central Europe, Great Britain and in USA in connection with international business cases, including -but not limited to- unfair competition, registration and protection of trade marks, patents, purchase and sales of vessels, insurance shipping claims, practicing law before the Courts of all degrees, including Supreme Court of Greece and Conseil d’ Etat, Legal Counselor of the winning bidder during the anti-doping public tender at the Athens’ Olympic Games 2004, successful representation before the Conseil d’ Etat, the Administrative Courts and the Highest Fiscal Court of bidders’ oppositions during public tenders, rendering legal services including- but not limited to- drafting legal opinions, Legal Counselor of Association of Private Suppliers to Public Hospitals (PANSPESSIM) 1999-2006, dealing with the opposition against the Law for settling the debts of the State vis-à-vis the Association’s Members before the competent Body of European Commission, issuing legal opinions concerning the paying-off of the Public Hospitals’ private Suppliers’ claims, dealing with franchising contracts, including drafting contracts, their execution, and rendering legal advices, dealing with the Court case of damages inflicted to Claimant\ passenger surviving of M\V EXPRESS SAMINA wreck in 2000 at Cyclades, Legal Counselor of touristic companies, negotiations and execution of Agents’ Agreements with foreign companies, successful dealing of legal claims put forward by the survived seamen during the most detrimental maritime accident in Mediterranean Sea out of Genoa in 1991, representing Clients before the Italian and Greek Courts, representation of SAs TEXACO και SHELL in shipping cases, drafting and filing claims with the European Court of Human Rights, dealing with car accidents (EPIKOURIKO KEFALAIO- legal entity covering non insured vehicles and cars), having dealt for many years as lawyer of HSBC in connection with loan contract and securing same, drafting legal opinions.
Michalis Varotsos has presented the legal framework and case law in the public procurement sector at a meeting of Hellenic Rotary District in Athens
He also presented about legislative reforms relating to flexible forms of work at a meeting of KEMEL members in Athens.
Michalis Varotsos has presented changes in National and Community law on public procurement at a business meeting held at the Hellenic-French Chamber ofCommerce.
He presented legal issues on shipping topics –public auction and applicable law- during seminar in Athens for employees of a Hellenic Bank.